
Speedy Fuels has an excellent reputation as an industry leader, built around a strong culture that adapts to the ever-changing needs of an evolving industry and regulatory landscape.

We’re committed to ensuring transparency, honesty, equality, professionalism and accountability through embedding excellent governance within our strategic vision.

At Speedy Fuels, all our actions are carried out within all relevant regulations. We respect the genuine interests of our colleagues, shareholders, business partners and the communities we live in.

Appropriate governance ensures we can:

  • Work within all the relevant regulations
  • Strictly comply with all anti-bribery and corruption laws and guidance
  • Ensure the physical and mental wellbeing of all our stakeholders
  • Enhance our position as a leading UK fuel supplier
  • Maintain quality assurance in all areas of our business
  • Create a workforce capable of building a sustainable future for the business

Management and responsibility

Our directors are responsible for setting objectives, identifying risks and setting the agenda of the business for the future.


We pride ourselves on being honest, transparent and ethical. There is zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption in our workplace. We are devoted to working professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our operations.

IT and security

We take GDPR and the security of our IT systems very seriously. Effective measures have been taken to eliminate risk and ensure we comply with all GDPR standards. We regularly monitor our systems to find areas for improvement and apply best practice to ensure the highest safety standards.

Quality assurance

At Speedy Fuels we are committed to providing our customers with quality products and the best possible service. To meet our objectives, we have a strict quality assurance process which provides us with the transparency required to ensure that our customers are satisfied.